So here it is folks, the concluding presentation of Team Octobox's Sustain-a-Stack project. (note it may take a moment to ...
The Surrey Leader: Simon Fraser University Surrey Website front page: The Surrey Now (link to article) ...
Based on the feedback our team got from the Open House, here are the results and refinements we will be considering as we de...
The Open House gave us an opportunity to show people outside the class what we've been doing for the past 2 semesters. Lo...
Team Octobox pulled off yet another presentation! We're happy to report that our midterm presentation was a success bas...
With the upcoming presentation consistently on our minds and evident dissatisfaction with the state of our physical prototype...
Exercise One: Evaluation Criteria Mission statement: Strengthening the relationship between people and the environme...
Team Name: Team Octobox Team URL: http://www.octobox.org/final Team Members: Kurtis Beard Derek Pante M...

Strengthening the relationship between people and the environment by merging urban and natural spaces.

Where space can often dictate the presence of nature in the home setting, "Sustain-a-Stack" positions nature as a focal point in living spaces without compromising the value of a person's space. "Sustain-a-Stack" also enhances the relationship between the consumer and his/her natural environment by both physical and digital indications of plant growth.

"Sustain-a-Stack", a mini indoor greenhouse that makes the practice of plant growing and maintenance quick, convenient, and user-friendly.

The Octobox
The true Spirit of the team, Octobox will cut you if you get out of line. In his pants.

Andrew Thong
The Rapid Prototyper, Andrew never shares his twinkies, but will clutch projects in a pinch. And he's quick with prototyping. In his apron...

Brian Quan
The Technical Guru, Brian is a one man production team and has a deep connection with technology. In his pants.

Derek Pante
As the primary Motivator, Derek inspires the team to come up with creative solutions for problems. In his pants.

Kiks Chua
The Illustrator of the group, Kiks draws. Well. And a lot. In her pants.

Kurtis Beard
The Culture Critic, Kurtis enjoys viewing films and debating infantile plot details with his friends. In his pants.

Manuel Pineault
The Creative Director, Manuel cooks up innovate ideas to solve problems. In his pants.

Samanthi Jayetileke
As the project Leader, Sammy takes the bull by its horns, keeping everyone on task, and projects moving. Bull metaphor aside, she's really good at getting people to work. In her pants.