
Week 3: Project Selection

Posted on: Wednesday, September 26, 2007

We began this assignment by using a voting method, which consisted of each team member using colored dots as an indication of their impressions of each project idea (pink dots indicated a negative impression, while green ones signaled that of a positive association). Further, each member was permitted to use two dots for each idea. This was an effective process as it allowed each member to voice support and concerns. Lastly, we critiqued the ideas by encouraging each member share his/her own opinion — this allowed each member to voice specific issues.



Week 2: Generating Ideas…

Posted on: Wednesday, September 19, 2007

During Week Two, the team spent days exchanging and developing ideas. The first thing that we did was get together and brainstorm 20 verbs and 20 adverbs, and combined them to form interesting action combinations; Collectively Wait, Tenderly Master, Visually Analyze, Easily Extract, Obnoxiously Produce, Accidentally Love, and Hungrily Enslave. After coming up with word combinations, we began brainstorming project ideas. The ideas varied from interesting, respectable, solid, crappy and even ridiculous. However, the ideas were pretty bland when put up against Octobox standards.



Week 1: Introduction & Team Formation

Posted on: Wednesday, September 12, 2007

During Week One, the Octobox team went through an incredible creative process to not only find out about ourselves and our goals as individuals, but as a team. The first task was to form a team and find out what our individual and team skills were. We created our own “skill maps”, and then combined them into one large map to get a better idea of what skills are available in our team: